Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Meet Oliver

The week after my birthday I adopted this little cutie from some friends whose cat had a litter of 8. He was 6 weeks old when I got him and is currently 12 weeks! He's a rambunctious little thing but I love him dearly and how can you not love that face!? I'm sure you will see more pictures of him as he grows!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

First Snow

The first time it snows is always a mix of beauty and sadness. sad to see the warmth leave, but excited at the beauty of white. brightening, cleaning, bleaching, renewing. something about snow that has the ability to refresh all aspects of life. God could have easily made it 75 and sunny all the time but I can't help but think of the symbolism of life involved with the seasons. So as the winter approaches (hopefully not too quickly) wait for it with anticipation and excitement.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Camera Shy

I don't think I've found my photographic style yet. I know that I have a passion about photographing people but I'm not sure what unique quality I bring through the camera. When you are constantly looking at other people's photographs you tend to be inspired and want to take photos like them. But each person is different, art cannot be defined by one rule or way of doing things. So I think for awhile I need to find my niche. i need to stop looking at other people's work for a little while, create some homework assignments for myself, and really stretch and test to see how I photograph.